Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hod Kosman with Platte River Basin Environments and Wildlife Biologist Brad McKinney were guests on News Extra Wednesday morning promoting the 5th annual Wildcat Hills Day, coming up this Saturday, May 19th.

  This day will provide great things for everyone in the family
including hunters, birders,athletes, ranchers,kids, hikers, and local

•  6:00 AM Bird/Grazing Tour—Get out with the Nebraska Grazing Lands
Coalition, TNC and birders to see “what’s singing” at the Murphy Ranch
Watchable Wildlife Area (meet at the Center or at the Murphy Ranch
parking area at the south end of Old Stage Road. Door prizes will be
given). Learn how ranching and birds help each other.

•  8:00 AM FUN RUN—Kick in gear for the Wildcat Hills Fun Run (pay
your $20, do paperwork, get your T-shirt and win the race!)

•  9:30 AM BIRDING W/ TNC—Jill Wells will lead a tour of a wildlife enclosure.


•  10:30 WILDFLOWER WALK—Connie McKinney will show some of the
beautiful flowers native to the Wildcat Hills. Maybe you will spot one
of the rare flowers!

 ENJOY A DAY OUTDOORS!... No Matter What Your Interests Are

   - Turkey Calling Contest for kids with Bruce Rolls—see if you can
call em in!
    - Crafts for Kids in the Center!
    -  Kids hanging Bluebird Houses along the trails!.

•  10:00—12:00 LANDOWNER HELP DESK —NGLC, TNC, NGPC, and PF will
provide answers to landowners on subjects ranging from monitoring
rangelands to enhancing wildlife habitat.

•   1:00 PM—BIGHORN SHEEP TOUR of Cedar Canyon WMA by NGPC, biologists.

•  2:00 PM CARTER CANYON RANCH Tour where PRBE will discuss wildlife
and grazing enhancement, archeological resources and land use issues.
Wagon rides by PRBE and NGLC will visit timber thinningprojects every
1/2 hour to show how habitat and disease issues are improved.

•  3:00 PM—PHEASANTS FOREVER PARKING AREA will be delineated and
dedicated for public use.

•  3:30 PM—GRAZING/WILDLIFE TOUR—Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition and
Platte River Basin Environment members will lead a tour south down
Carter Canyon Rd onto the PRBE crop and range areas overlooking
Pumpkin Creek (the view of the day!). Discussion will focus on
managing grazing and habitat management principles.

The event will run in conjunction with Free Park Day on Saturday.  Morning events will take place at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center with afternoon activities occurring on the Carter Canyon Ranch.

The public is invited to spend the day, free of charge, in the scenic Wildcat Hills.

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