Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chamber activities in January

Scottsbluff-Gering United Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Anderson was on the KNEB News Extra program.

Anderson was promoting the chamber's annual awards banquet celebration January 26th at the Gering Civic Center. Tickets are $25 for members and $35 for non-members. Anderson says the chambers says table sponsors are still being sought as well as centerpiece sponsors.

The chamber is also getting ready for their annual two day trip to the state Capitol and the Governor's mansion. Members of Leadership Scottsbluff will make the trip, but others from the public are welcome to take the bus trip. The trip, which begins January 31st, includes a 30 minute rest stop at Ole's in Paxton for breakfast, a boxed lunch at the Kearney arch, a reception and tour at the Governor's residence, a one on one meeting with the Governor the following day, a meeting with all three of the panhandle senators and a view from the gallery of the legislative session. The cost is $250 double occupancy.

For more information on the banquet or the trip to Lincoln, call the Chamber at 632-2133.

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